Citedness in Scopus

Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi) is cited by articles on SCOPUS database at least 2 times since published in June 2012

Source : Scopus

Export Date: 16 Mei 2023.

1. Akbar, M. F., Suprapto, S., & Surati, S. (2018). Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan di Desa Jatimulya Kabupaten Boalemo. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi)6(2), 135-142.

Cited by :

Taralani. T ,Sirajuddin (2020, February). Rural development strategies in Indonesia: Managing villages to achieve sustainable development. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Volume 447, Issue 1, 3 March 2020, Article number 012066). IOP Publishing.

2. Lamangida, T., Akbar, M. F., & Hasan, H. (2017). Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Dalam Membangun Desa Bandung Rejo Kecamatan Boliyohuto. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi)6(1), 68-78.

Cited By :

Taralani. T ,Sirajuddin (2020, February). Rural development strategies in Indonesia: Managing villages to achieve sustainable development. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Volume 447, Issue 1, 3 March 2020, Article number 012066). IOP Publishing.

3. Abdi, A., & Rohmah, I. (2020). Kepemimpinan Tranformasional: Faktor Determinan Kinerja Karyawan Restoran Pada Hotel Marcure Nexa Pettarani Kota Makassar. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi), 9(1), 34-45. doi:

Cited By: 

Permana, E., Santoso, R., Murdani, & Purwoko, B. (2022). Building culinary business performance during the covid-19 pandemic: Transformational leadership as a trigger through digital capabilities. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, doi:10.1080/15428052.2022.2040679

4. Mujizatullah, M. (2018). Evaluasi Kebijakan Sistem Kelas Tuntas Berkelanjutan (SKTB) di SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi), 7(1), 22-28. doi:

Cited By:

Warman, Thaba, A., Mahmut, C., & Aziz, A. (2021). Innovation of automatic promotion system to improving the quality of education in gowa regency (A good model for education management in indonesia). Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(8), 1505-1520. doi:10.48047/rigeo.11.08.130


Cited By: 

Fahlevi, H., Mardaleta, M., Lubis, A. R., & Diantimala, Y. (2022). Determinants of patient behavioural loyalty on primary health centres: Evidence from a cross-sectional study in indonesia. F1000Research, 11 doi:10.12688/f1000research.110684.2

6. Tanjung, H., Agustina, I., & Pradesa, H. (2022). Explaining Compensation Satisfaction Among Public Officers from Equity and Expectancy Perspective. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi), 11(1), 28-44. doi:

 Cited By: 

Jaiswal, R., Gupta, S., & Tiwari, A. K. (2023). Dissecting the compensation conundrum: A machine learning-based prognostication of key determinants in a complex labor market. Management Decision, http://dx.doi:10.1108/MD-07-2022-0976

7. Sukmana, A., & Rosdiana, H. (2021). Analysis On the Implementation of Income Tax Article 21 Incentives Policy for Taxpayers Affected by The Covid-19 Pandemic. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi)10(2), 319-336.

Cited By:

Ispriyarso, B., & Wibawa, K. C. S. (2023). Reconstruction of the national economy post-covid-19 pandemic: Critical study of tax reforms in indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1) doi:10.1080/23311886.2023.2174517

8. Hanis, N. W., & Marzaman, A. (2020). Peran Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga dalam Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Kecamatan Telaga. Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi)8(2), 123-135.

Cited By:

Prabawani, B., Handayani, W., Ariyanti, D., & Afifah, D. N. (2022). Indonesian women in a circular economy: Waste management programs. Climate adaptation and resilience: Challenges and potential solutions: Anticipatory governance, planning and dialogue (pp. 269-294) Retrieved from