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Author Guidelines

Tulisan Ilmiah Pariwisata (TULIP), has published scientific papers twice every year since 2018. This paper is bilingual (Indonesian and English), peer-reviewed, and specifically on Tourism. This journal is organized by the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo. The aim is to provide readers with a better understanding of tourism management, sustainable tourism, and current developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews.

Articles must be written in Indonesian or English in about 3000-7000 words including text, all tables, and pictures, notes, references, and attachments intended for publication. All submissions must include a 150-200 word abstract and 3 keywords.

All notes must appear in the text as citations. In terms of bibliographic style, TULIP follows the style of the Cambria manual.

Articles to be published in this journal must contain tourism.

Article information

Title: no more than 13 words; Author name: written completely without a title; Institution: listed in full, including the name of the institution; Related author: include name & email address


The abstract is a brief and comprehensive summary of the article content; it allows the reader to quickly survey the content of the article and, like the title, it allows people interested in the document to extract it from the abstract database and index it. Most scientific journals require an abstract. Consult the author's instructions or the journal webpage you plan to submit your article to for journal-specific instructions. A well-prepared abstract can be the single most important paragraph in an article. Most people make their first contact with an article simply by looking at the abstract, usually compared to some other abstract, when they do a literature search. Readers often decide on an abstract basis whether to read the entire article. The abstract must be dense with information. By embedding keywords in your abstract, you increase the user's ability to find them. Do not exceed the abstract word limit of the journal you are submitting your article to. The word limit varies from journal to journal and usually ranges from 150 to 200 words.

Keywords: lowercase, comma, paper template


This template is designed to assist writers in preparing the manuscript; it is an exact representation of the format that the editor expects. To use this template, simply Save this MS Word file into your document, then copy and paste your document here. To copy and paste the text into this template document, use "Paste Special" and select "Unformatted Text".

All papers submitted to journals must be written in good English. Authors whose English is not their native language are encouraged to check their papers before submission for grammar and clarity. English and copyediting services can be provided by International Editing and Asia Editing. Works may not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official languages of the manuscripts to be published in the TULIP journal are Indonesian, Arabic, and English.

In the Introduction, the Author must state the purpose of the work at the end of the introduction. Prior to the goal, the author must provide an adequate background, and a very short literature survey to note the existing solutions/methods, to show which one is the best from previous studies, to show the main limitations of previous research, to show what was done. that you want to achieve (to break boundaries), and to demonstrate the scientific merit or novelty of the paper. Avoid detailed literature surveys or summary results.

Research Methods

Research Methods: The methods used in problem-solving include analytical methods. The methods used in the completion of the study are listed in this section.

Results and Discussion

Results and discussion contain the findings of the research and discussion. Write down the findings obtained from the results of research that has been done and must be supported by adequate data. The results of research and findings should be able to answer questions or research hypotheses in the introduction.



Concluding remarks and suggestions. The conclusions illustrate the answer to the hypothesis and/or the purpose of the research or findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain the repetition of the results and discussion, but rather the summary of the findings as expected in the objectives or hypotheses. The suggestion presents the things that will be done related to the next idea of the research.



All references referred to in the article text must be listed in the References section. References should contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals and a minimum of 80% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) bibliographic references. Writing References should use reference management applications such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or others. The writing format used in the Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi) is in accordance with APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.


Library in the form of scientific journals:

Tseng. Y.C., Kuo, S.P, Lee, H.W, & Huang, C.F (2004). Location Tracking in a Wireless sensor network by mobile agents and its data fusion strategies. The Computer Journal, 47 (4), 448-460

Akbar, M.F. (2015). Analisis Peran Kepemimpinan Camat di Kantor Kecamatan Bongomeme Kabupaten Gorontalo. JAKPP: Jurnal Akuntabilitas. Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Publik, 1(2), 158-167.

Books title library:

Subarsono. (2005). Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Peajar

Akbar,M.F. (2018). Studi Evaluasi Kebijakan (Evalusai Beberapa Kebijakan di Indonesia). Gorontalo : Ideas Publishing

Library in the form of Proceedings Seminar:

Onaga, K. 1983. Development And Environtmental Protection In Coastal Zones. Proc. Of The Okinawa Conference On The Importance Of By Passed Area In Asian Economic Development. Tokyo. National Institute For Reseach Advancement, 1983, p.80-108.

PETUNJUK PENULISAN NASKAH JOURNAL TULIP Judul 12 pt, Cambria, Center, Bold, Maksimal 13 Kata


Penulis Pertama1, Penulis Kedua2, dst.

1. Program Studi Pariwisata, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Indonesia

2. Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Email; [email protected], [email protected]



Info Artikel


Abstrak Artikel yang berbahasa Inggris  ditulis menggunakan Cambria-12. Jarak antar baris 1 spasi. Abstrak berisi 150-200 kata dan hanya terdiri atas 1 paragraf, yang memuat tujuan, metode, serta hasil penelitian.






Keywords: Kata Kunci; Berisi Istilah Penting; Tidak Lebih 3 kata kunci




Diterima: 13 Nov.  2019



Disetujui: 17 Februari 2020



Abstrak Artikel yang berbahasa Inggris  ditulis menggunakan Cambria-12. Jarak antar baris 1 spasi. Abstrak berisi 150-200 kata dan hanya terdiri atas 1 paragraf, yang memuat tujuan, metode, serta hasil penelitian.







Kata Kunci: Berisi Istilah Penting; Tidak Lebih 3 kata kunci




Berisi latar belakang, rasional, dan atau urgensi penelitian. Permasalahan dan tujuan, serta kegunaan penelitian ditulis secara naratif dalam paragraf-paragraf, tidak perlu diberi subjudul khusus. Demikian pula definisi operasional, juga ditulis naratif. Pendahuluan ditulis dengan jenis font Cambria 11 tegak, dengan spasi Exactly 24. Tiap paragraf diawali kata yang menjorok ke dalam sekitar 1.5 cm dari tepi kiri tiap kolom.



Bagian metode penelitian diuraikan secara ringkas dan jelas. metode penelitian menjelaskan penggunaan metode penelitian, jenis penelitian metode pengumpulan data, analisis data dan sumber data. Metode penelitian bukan dalam bentuk. Bagian ini ditulis maksimal 10% (untuk penelitian kualitatif) atau maksimal 15% (untuk penelitian kuantitatif) dari semua isi artikel. [Cambria 12]



Pembahasan berisi teori berupa hasil telaah kritis peneliti terhadap satu atau beberapa teori yang berhubungan dengan masalah penelitiannya. Teori dapat diambil dari satu teori atau beberapa teori yang dipadukan secara eklektik. Pengambilan harus didasari argumentasi akademis. Teori ini sejalan dengan pokok masalah yang diuraikan. Teori yang dikutip harus menggunakan footnote.

Penyajian hasil penelitian dapat berupa deskripsi, tabel atau gambar yang disertai dengan penjelasan, yang mudah dibaca dan dipahami dengan memperhatikan tata cara penulisan yang umum. Hasil analisis data penelitian, dibahas dengan cara menginterpretasi temuan penelitian dan menjelaskan implikasi hasil penelitian, termasuk keterbatasan temuan penelitian.

Untuk memudahkan pemahaman dan bacaan, hasil kajian diuraikan terlebih dahulu, dilanjutkan dengan bagian pembahasan. Hasil sub judul dan sub judul pembahasan disajikan secara terpisah. Bagian ini harus paling banyak, minimal 60% dari keseluruhan artikel.

Tabel 1: Contoh Tabel


Nama Wisatawan











Sumber Data: Hasil Penelitian


Kesimpulan merupakan makna temuan-temuan hasilpenelitian yang ditulis secara singkat, padat, dan jelas dalam bentuk uraian (paragraf demi paragraf), butir-butir, atau rincian yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitia.



Penyusunan Daftar Pustaka yang mengikuti teknik yang standar harus dilakukan secara baku dan konsisten. Untuk menjaga konsistensi cara pengacuan, pengutipan dan daftar pustaka sebaiknya menggunakan aplikasi Reference Manager, seperti Mendeley, atau aplikasi berbayar yang lain. Semua yang dirujuk dalam artikel harus tertulis dalam daftar pustaka dan semua yang tertulis dalam daftar pustaka harus dirujuk dalam artikel. ditulis dengan Times New Arabic 12 tegak, dengan spasi Exactly 14.Sebagian contoh cara penulisan:


Cox RH. Sport Psychology Concepts and Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill., 564; 2012

Bardid, Farid, Floris Huyben, et al. 2016. “Assessing Fundamental Motor Skills in Belgian Children Aged 3 – 8 Years Highlights Differences to US Reference Sample.” : 281–90.

Bardid, Farid, An De Meester, et al. 2016. “Human Movement Science Configurations of Actual and Perceived Motor Competence among Children : Associations with Motivation for Sports and Global Self-Worth.” Human Movement Science 50: 1–9.

Barela, José Angelo. 2013. “Fundamental Motor Skill Proficiency Is Necessary for Children’s Motor Activity Inclusion.” Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica 19(3): 548–51.

Barnett, Lisa M. 2015a. “Active Gaming as a Mechanism to Promote Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skill in Children Available from Deakin Research Online :” (February 2017)


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Tulisan Ilmiah Pariwisata (TULIP) is a Journal published by Tourism Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
Tulisan Ilmiah Pariwisata (TULIP), with E-ISSN  2720-9873 (Online) is a Peer-reviewed journal published twice in June and December by the Tourism Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. Tulip aims to disseminate and provide information to the parties concerned in the study of Tourism. Tulisan Ilmiah Pariwisata (TULIP) is a scientific journal in the field of tourism studies. The manuscript can be a research paper, review articles, as well as conceptual, technical, and methodological papers on all aspects, includes research findings, experimental design, analysis, and recent application in tour and travel studies. The scope of these areas includes tourism planning, geography, tourism management, destination, traveling, environment, economics, gastronomic, heritage, and culture. Tulisan Ilmiah Pariwisata (TULIP) has been reexamined by peer victims. Unacceptable in this regard will be the right of the Editorial Board based on the words of colleagues.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other par