Pemanfaatan Teknologi Drone Untuk Pemetaan Batas Dan Potensi Desa, Desa Mongolato Kecamatan Telaga

Hendra Hendra, Sunarty Suly Eraku


The village is the smallest unit of government so that the development of a region or country currently focuses on developing the village economically and with resources. The boundaries of the Village area stated in the form of a Village Map are determined by a Regent/Mayor regulation. The purpose of this service is to create a tentative map of village boundaries and the potential of the detailed scale Mongolato village by utilizing drone technology. The method used is the remote sensing method with drone technology. The results obtained are that the village government has a village boundary map, a hamlet boundary map and a map of land use potential with a detailed scale. Based on the results obtained, it is hoped that it can provide recommendations to the district and provincial governments to make village maps with detailed scales throughout Gorontalo Province.


Drone Technology; Village Boundaries; Village Potential

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