Pemetaan Kawasan Taman Maccini Sombala Menggunakan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Muh Rais Abidin, Ramli Umar, Ahyani Mirah Liani, Hendra Hendra


The increase in the rate of urbanization can affect the decline in public space areas, especially Green Open Spaces (RTH). Maccini Sombala Park as one of the public spaces with the function of green open space needs to be maintained for its existence and even further it needs to be developed optimally. The current condition of the Maccini Somala park has not been utilized properly with a very low level of visits. One of the factors that cause is development planning that has not been well organized. Therefore, the purpose of this service is to map out the park area so that the existing conditions and facilities can be visualized properly. The method used is drone mapping and data analysis using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Based on the results of mapping using drones and field surveys, the land area of the Maccini Sombala park is 134,887 m2 (1.34 ha) with a water area of 36,547 m2 (0.36 ha) and a park area of 31,829 m2 (0.31 ha).


Drone; Geographic Information System; Mapping; Park

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Copyright (c) 2022 Muh Rais Abidin, Ramli Umar, Ahyani Mirah Liani, Hendra Hendra