Pengenalan dan Penanganan Ikan Bersifat Invasif di Provinsi Gorontalo

Ahmad Ainul Nurkhozin, Dewi Shinta Achmad, Indri Afriani Yasin, Nurqadri Syaia Bakti, Meity M. Mokoginta, Ramlan Pomolango, Tri Pratiwi Handayani


Invasive fish have been found in several body of waters (eg: rivers and lakes) in Gorontalo Province. These invasive fish have the potential to threaten the aquatic ecosystem in Gorontalo Province. The existence of invasive alien fish species/ Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has had a negative impact in decreased population of local fish that inhabit the waters (native species) as has been reported in several countries in the world. Lack of public knowledge so far has made invasive fish populations increase every year. Public understanding of the types of invasive fish, the impact of their presence on the ecosystem, and how to handle these invasive fish is very important to reduce the increase in invasive fish populations and prevent a bigger impact caused by these invasive fish. In accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945 NRI), the government and all elements of society are obliged to protect and manage the environment in the implementation of sustainable development, so that the environment in Indonesia remains a resource and life support for the Indonesian people and other living things.


Invasive, Waters, Fish, Species.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Ainul Nurkhozin, Dewi Shinta Achmad, Indri Afriani Yasin, Nurqadri Syaia Bakti, Meity M. Mokoginta, Ramlan Pomolango, Tri Pratiwi Handayani