Edukasi Masyarakat Peternak Dalam Pemanfaatan Teknologi IB Untuk Mendukung Produksi Bibit Sapi Bali

Mohamad Ervandi, Widiastuti Ardiansyah, Terri Repi, Susan Mokoolang, Ishak Korompot, Ramlan Pomolango


Sukamakmur Village, Gorontalo Regency is one of the centers for Bali cattle which is still engaged in traditional breeding and fattening businesses. The development of livestock breeding through AI technology is one of the technologies that can increase seed production, efficiency and can also increase livestock productivity. AI in Bali cattle is a technique that is also very useful for both the development of livestock on a traditional business scale and the livestock industry. The community service was carried out in Sukamakmur Village, Gorontalo Regency for 2 days. Evaluation of this service can be seen through the response of farmers to counseling about AI technology, the results of training and skills of breeders who are given AI training and also the willingness of breeders to apply AI technology applications to increase the productivity of Bali cattle. The application of counseling and training in the application of AI technology was able to increase the understanding and ability of the livestock community by 22.46%. As many as 73.33% of respondents who are interested in the farming community apply the Bali cattle mating system using IB technology


IB Technology Breeder; Society Education;Seed Production

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