Perancangan Sistem Data Warehouse Village pada desa Tabulo Kecamatan Mananggu Kabupaten Boalemo

Hilmansyah Gani, Wahyudin Hasyim, Alter Lasarudin, Tri Pratiwi Handayani, Rubiyanto Maku


Data Warehouse Village has become an important tool in managing and improving administrative efficiency and public services at the village level. This study aims to analyze the benefits and impact of implementing Data Warehouse Village in the context of village development. The research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing in-depth interviews and direct observations as data collection methods. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of Data Warehouse Village has provided significant benefits in various aspects of village life. Data Warehouse Village facilitates accessibility and transparency of information for the rural community. Through the Data Warehouse Village, information related to literacy programs, vaccination, aid, population, and village taxes can be easily accessed by the community. With an integrated system in place, administrative processes are carried out more effectively and efficiently. This reduces the workload of village officers and expedites the decision-making process. Data Warehouse Village plays a crucial role in monitoring and evaluating village development. The data gathered through the Data Warehouse Village can be used to analyze the performance of village development, identify issues that need to be addressed, and plan more effective development activities. This enables villages to respond quickly to changes and optimize resource allocation. The implementation of Data Warehouse Village provides significant benefits in improving public services and administrative efficiency at the village level. It allows for better accessibility to information, enhances administrative efficiency, and facilitates the monitoring of village development. Therefore, the implementation of Data Warehouse Village in villages should be encouraged as part of efforts to achieve sustainable and inclusive village development.


Data Warehouse Village; Village; Data; Information

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