Penguatan pengetahuan Mitigasi Bencana untuk Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Dulupi, Gorontalo

Hendra Hendra, Nirwana Nirwana, Sitti Annisa, M Fikri Amrullah, Ahmad Syamsu Rijal


Disaster education and mitigation are still ongoing. The importance of disaster knowledge is very important for students. Various efforts have been made to increase knowledge of disaster mitigation for students. One of the efforts made is education in the form of outreach for high school students. The method of implementing community service is by providing material about disasters and their mitigation. Implementation of activities is carried out by preparing, implementing and evaluating the achievements of socialization activities for students. The results of the socialization show that the level of students' knowledge of disaster and mitigation has developed well. Although there are several important notes that must be taken in the future to maximize this socialization activity. This socialization is expected to provide comprehensive implications for students as basic knowledge in reducing the risk of disasters that will occur.


Disaster; Student; Education

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