Mohamad Ervandi


This research aims to study influence of the breed chicken toward motility, abnormality, and durability of live spermatozoa after storage at a temperature 0f 40C. Cement of chicken that using in this research come from 3 chickens male with the different there are chicken laughing , chicken arab , and chicken burma. The design of this research is laboratories experimentaly by using random design complete steel and torrie ( 1991 ) , consisting of 3 treatment and 6 remedial ( the number of cement). The kinds of male chicken that used : P1 = male of chicken laughing, P2 = male of chicken arab, P3 = male chicken burma. The results of the diversity analysis showed that the chicken laughing and chicken arab have an influence significantly (P<0,01) to motility of progressive spermatozoa( P1 = 79,88 %, P2 = 76,53 %, P3 = 84,25 %), abnormality of spermatozoa (P1=5,00%, P2=5,54%, P3=4,46%), and durability life of spermatozoa (P1=72,67%, P2=70,83%, P3=74,83%). From the results of the research obtained that the burma chicken better in maintaining motility, abnormality, and durabilty of live spermatozoa after storage at the temperature of 40C

Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh bangsa ayam terhadap motilitas dan abnormalitas setelah penyimpanan pada suhu 40C. Semen ayam yang digunakan dalam penetian ini berasal dari 3 ekor ayam jantan dengan bangsa pejantan yang berbeda yaitu ayam ketawa, ayam arab, dan ayam birma. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah ekperimental laboratoris dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Steel dan Torrie (1991), yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan (jumlah penampungan semen).Jenis ayam pejantan yang digunakan : P1 = pejantan ayam ketawa, P2 = pejantan ayam arab, P3 = pejantan ayam birma. Hasil analisis keragaman memperlihatkan bahwa bangsa ayam ketawa, ayam arab, dan ayam birma memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap Motilitas progresif spermatozoa (P1=79,88% , P2=76,53%, P3=84,25%) dan Abnormalitas Spermatozoa (P1=5,00%, P2=5,54%, P3=4,46%). Dari hasil penelitain diperloleh bahwa semen ayam birma lebih baik dalam mempertahankan motilitas dan abnormalitas spermatozoa setelah penyimpanan pada suhu 40C


Male Breed, Storage Spermatozoa, Bangsa Pejantan, Penyimpanan spermatozoa


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