Variations of Shooting and Sprint Training to Improvement of Football Shooting Ages 14-17 Years

Giofandi Samin, Ardin Abdul Gani, Gilang Ramadan, Iwan Fataha


Exercise is an effort that is carried out repeatedly with the aim of increasing the desired abilities and skills. This study aims to reveal the difference in the effect of shooting and sprint training methods on improving shooting abilities at the age of 14-17 years. This research method uses experimental research with a research design of Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The subjects of this study were 40 SBB Panipi Raya players. The research instrument used in the shooting test was modified from the guidebook for measuring and evaluating physical education and sports education and the curriculum and basic guidelines for Indonesian football. The validity is 0.890 and the reliability is 0.910. The findings of this study indicate (1) There is a significant effect of shooting variation practice on the results of soccer shooting abilities in soccer school players aged 14-17 years. (2) There is a significant effect of sprint variation training on the results of soccer shooting ability in soccer school players aged 14-17 years. (3) There is a significant difference between shooting variation exercise, sprint variation exercise, Control group I, and Control group II towards increasing soccer shooting ability in soccer school players aged 14-17 years. The shooting variation exercise is the most effective on the results of soccer shooting ability in soccer school players aged 14-17 years than the other groups.

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