Effect of Kinesthetic Perception, Eye-Hand Coordination, and Motivation on Lay Up Shoot

Gilang Ramadan, Ardin Abdul Gani, Arief Ibnu Haryanto, Giofandi Samin, Iwan Fataha, Sulasikin Sahdi Kadir


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a direct or indirect influence between kinesthetic perception, hand-eye coordination, and motivation for the shoot lay-up. The research method used in this study is Path Analysis to look for effects or relationships that affect variables. The subjects used in this study were Kuningan basketball athletes with 35 athletes. The results of this study show 1). There is a positive influence between kinesthetic perception (X1) on lay-up shoot skills (Y) in basketball athletes, 2) There is a positive influence between hand-eye coordination (X2) on a shoot (Y) lay-up skills in basketball athletes, 3 ) There is a positive influence between motivation (X3) on the skill speed of the lay-up shoot (Y) in basketball athletes, 4) There is a positive influence between kinesthetic perception (X1) on motivation (X3) on basketball athletes, 5) There is effect positive between hand-eye coordination (X2) to motivation (X3) in basketball athletes, 6) There is a positive influence between kinesthetic perception (X1) on shoot shoot-up skills (Y) through motivation (X3) in basketball athletes and 7 ) There is a positive influence of hand-eye coordination (X2) on a shoot (Y) through motivation (X3) lay-up skills in basketball athletes.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31314/gss.v1i1.914

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Copyright (c) 2021 Gilang Ramadan, Ardin Abdul Gani, Arief Ibnu Haryanto, Giofandi Samin, Iwan Fataha, Sulasikin Sahdi Kadir

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