Evaluation Of The Training Program For The FORKI DKI Jakarta Pelatda Athletes Towards The 2016 KASAD Cup 2016 Jambi

Aneke M Y Enoch


To improve an organization, good management is needed because it cannot be denied that an organization will succeed if it is appropriately challenged. The success of an achievement sports organization is always linked to how far the organization produces sportsmanship. Educational sports management is implemented in the school environment, formal and non-formal education, and universities. Recreational sports management is applied to community sports organizations. The method and design used in this research are descriptive. This research is evaluative research using the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product) proposed by Stufflebeam. Awareness, The position of athletes for achievement, is still categorized as lacking; the suitability of the training program is still categorized as lacking or even lacking. It still has to be addressed according to the needs and development of karate today. Based on observations, interviews, and strengthened documentation during the study, obtained results: FORKI Jakarta always sends nationally educated athletes even though they often experience failure due to the training program not fully fulfilled from infrastructure, understanding of programs, etc.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31314/gss.v1i1.915

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