Ilham Ilham, Yeti S. Hasan, Agustinawati Gubali


That the cause of the crime of embezzlement in the jurisdiction of the North Gorontalo Police was due to economic factors, secondly there were no witnesses at the scene and the three suspects ran away. North Gorntalo uses preventive, penal (repressive) and non-penal measures. The role of the police, especially the North Gorontalo Police, in handling criminal acts of embezzlement has a very broad field, not only relating to actions when there has been an action or there is a suspicion that a crime has occurred, but also guarding against the possibility of a crime occurring. or tackling crime problems. One of the policies in overcoming the problem of crime is criminal policy. Cases of criminal embezzlement are proof of the important role of government and law enforcement, so it is necessary to carry out comprehensive law enforcement.


Investigation; Crime of Embezzlement; North Gorontalo Police

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Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo