Sitriyanti Abdullah, Muh. Amin Dali, Rahmat Datau


Health insurance is a type of insurance product that specifically guarantees the health or care costs of insurance members if they fall ill and have an accident. At BPJS Kesehatan, namely the social security organizing body in the form of health protection so that participants get health care benefits, protection in meeting basic health needs will be given to those who have contributed or the contributions will be paid directly by the government. Every time the payment is delayed, each participant's treatment is charged with half of the total hospital fees, even the BPJS card activation is stopped for a while and cannot be used for treatment. There is still a lack of knowledge of people living in rural areas about health insurance, so these rural people tend to use insurance less than urban people. This understanding problem cannot be separated from the characteristics of the rural community itself, which still has a strong religious element in viewing the legal aspects of insurance. This research aims to analyze and find out what kind of socialization can be done effectively and efficiently to reach all groups and layers of society. The inclusion criterion used is the understanding of rural communities about the benefits of health insurance. The results found from researchers that people's understanding of insurance varies, some rural communities already understand it but many still don't understand and are not aware of the importance of the benefits of health insurance. This happens because it is influenced by several factors such as individual characteristics, the surrounding environment, and the lack of access to health services. So it is necessary to increase education and outreach to rural communities regarding the benefits of health insurance in order to improve the health status of the community.


Health; Insurance; Community

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Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo