Mitigasi Bencana Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di Desa Kaidundu Barat Kabupaten Bone Bolango

Sunarty Suly Eraku, Moh. Karmin Baruadi


Kaidundu Barat Village is structurally part of Bulawa Sub-district, geographically West Kaidundu Village is located between Pinomontiga village in Bulawa Sub-district.  The topographic conditions of Kaidundu Barat Village are located in hilly/highland areas and some lowlands and coastal areas.  Kaidundu Barat Village was also affected by landslides which resulted in damaged houses, although there were no casualties but it is estimated to have a very large loss. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize and educate local wisdom-based disaster mitigation to the community who mostly live in the area to socialize disaster mitigation so that in this case the surrounding community can be aware of disasters arising from the coastal area of Kaidundu Barat Village in Bulawa District.  The main objective of this activity is to socialize and educate local wisdom-based disaster mitigation. This activity was carried out through the method of material presentation and questions and answers about how to act in the face of disasters, local wisdom-based disaster mitigation and landslide disaster mitigation and environmental conservation are very important to protect the community and the environment from the negative impacts of disasters. Based on the results of community service in the seminar activities, it shows that the participants, namely the people of Kaidundu Barat village, are very enthusiastic and satisfied with this activity. Local wisdom-based disaster mitigation has the potential to improve community preparedness and response to disasters by utilizing local knowledge and culture. Local wisdom-based disaster mitigation must involve the active role of the community in the planning process, decision-making, and implementation of mitigation measures. This seminar activity improved the community's understanding of risk and provided a sense of ownership of mitigation measures. Future development of this activity program should involve disaster mitigation education in the school curriculum or extension programs to increase understanding and awareness about disaster.


flash flood; local wisdom; disaster mitigation

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