Firmawati Firmawati, Salahuddin Liputo


Typhoid fever is an endemic disease that is included in the health problems in developing countries, including Indonesia because it can bring the impact of increased morbidity and mortality. Typhoid fever is estimated to strike 22 million people per year with a mortality rate of 200,000 people per year. The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship of knowledge and attitudes of families with typhoid patient anxiety in the child RSU MM Dunda Limboto Gorontalo district. The method used is a sectional descriptive study, with a total population of 55 families with a sample of 55 families, using consecutive sampling with inclusion criteria questionnaire measuring instrument. Knowledge and the independent variables and the dependent variable is the attitude of anxiety. Analysis of the data in this study using a statistical test "chi-square test". Results: The results of Chi Square test showed the value of  P value = 0.001 which is greater than α (0.05), then Ho is rejected Ha is received, there is a correlation and Chi Square Test Results show the value P value = 0.015 which is greater  than    α (0 , 05), then Ho is rejected Ha is received, there is a relationship. In conclusion, There is a significant correlation between. Family relationships Anxiety Patient Knowledge With typhoid in the Nursery RSU MM Dunda Limboto and Gorontalo Regency. Relationship Attitude Patients With Anxiety Family typhoid in the Nursery RSU MM Dunda Limboto Gorontalo district. Suggestions hoped this research may provide insight and improve knowledge and attitudes in minimizing anxiety typhoid patient's family in the child RSU MM Dunda Limboto Gorontalo Regency


Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety, Typhoid

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Prodi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo  Jl. Prof Mansoer Pateda Ds Pentadio Timur Kec. Telaga Biru Kab. Gorontalo